Thursday, June 30, 2016

Week 41: RAIN!


Here are a couple photos from this week, Right now the weather is crazy and can be super hot one moment and then thundering rain the next! One moment that reminded me of how grateful I am to have a comfortable home was as we were teaching in a little house this week, the rain started pouring down and their aluminum roof started shaking, rising up at each big gust of wind. We closed the doors to keep water from coming in, and using shirts to fill in holes in the wall we were able to stay dry. Then water from outside the door creeped in from the space under the door, but luckily after about 15 minutes the rain calmed down. Just a thought for the day to keep us all grateful for safe homes and carpeted floors :)

More news next week!

Love you!
Hermana Bernal

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Week 40: Photos from 6 weeks in Danli!

Hi Family!

Here are some photos from these 6 weeks here in Danli- a couple are from when we hiked up a mountain to see monkeys and a waterfall, and the photo of the bridge is from a storm that pretty much flooded the town and carried a bunch of garbage and random stuff (I even saw a wheelchair that it carried) over this little bridge! We are also teaching a family of four- only the wife is featured but her husband had been in jail up until 7 years ago and now is trying to turn his life around!

Love you all, and....

HAPPY FATHER`S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These 8 months have stretched my eyes open to how grateful I am to have the family that I have, and for the blessing it has been to have Dallas and my Dad in my life. Always sending my love through prayers to you guys!!!


Hermana Bernal

Week 39: Hermana Maria

Hello my wonderful friends and family who I love so much, the past couple weeks have been super great, we have found three families that are progressing and one even came to a baptism that we had this Saturday!!

A couple things that have been funny that have happened the past couple of weeks-

-We helped a really cute old man finishing build a side of wall in his house- made of mud..

-We found a cute old woman hauling wood, helped her out, she gave us like 8 mangos from her mango tree, and now her daughters our listening to the lessons

-A not so cute parakeet pooped on my arm

-It poured down raining out of no where, and then my companion got attacked by ants (here the ants bite!!)

In our ward there is an hermana named Maria who is a recent convert of gold, she always asks to accompany us for visits and when sharing her testimony often mentions that from the beginning of when she began to learn about the gospel, she began to feel complete, like part of her that she didn`t realize was missing, was filling up inside of her. This week I thought a lot about what that word even means, what does it mean to feel ¨complete¨ and what are obstacles from feeling that way. When we feel complete, it`s a a quiet assurance inside that gives us a sense that not only we are pleased with who we are, but that God is pleased as well. Despite our many perfections, we feel assured that God is pleased with our progress. This is important, because without feeling complete, you can do a lot of good for the world, can do a lot of good for your family, and a lot of good for your friends, but until you find what makes you complete you are just filling your life with activities that give you brief moments of peace that soon leave you, like trying to fill a bucket of water with holes in its base.

From my experience three major things have been obstacles from feeling this way: The first is shame. When we see other people progressing spiritually or temporally, or maybe we see that someone has done 5 service projects in one week and I have only done 4 service projects that week (exaggerating) we begin to compàre ourselves to other people, most often we are comparing our weaknesses to other people`s strengths, and we feel that what we have done is little compared to the rest. The second is guilt- it`s similar, because in both guilt and shame we realize that we are falling short, but with guilt sometimes it is a little harder to recognize the source. Our Heavenly Father has made a perfect plan, in which we chose to come to this Earth, live His commandments, and walk by faith rather by sight. When we do not follow His plan, we sin, which furthers us from God. Guilt is the little bird on our shoulder that tells us we are doing something wrong, we need to change something.

The last obstacle is false hope- This is my favorite because it`s possibly Satan`s most deceptive tool that he uses that we must all be aware of. It`s the expectation that you can find this feeling of completeness, or in other words peace and joy, in what the world has to offer rather than what God has to offer- in activites, in our friends, in hobbies- all could be good things- but do not offer true peace and joy. The question is, where are putting our faith? In the hope that the things of the world will make us happy? Or are we putting our faith in Christ? The only sure thing that there is in this world?

I invite you all to self-evaluate where you are putting your faith. God doesn`t expect us to be perfect, but he does expect that we strive for perfection. It`s time that we fill up the holes in the bucket so that we can be filled with this spirit of peace and joy.

Love you!

Hermana Bernal

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Week 38: Choose Your Own Adventure

Hello Beloved Family and Friends!

Wow so happy to be emailing you all right now! These past couple of weeks have been really great, incredibly humbling. I`m realizing that the mission is teaching me above all humility and patience! Anyways right now I`m in a really awesome area, where kids roam on the backs of horses, dog`s leashes are chains, their bath is a river, and their washing machine room is a well! Kinda crazy how the barrier between ¨inside the house¨ and ¨¨outside the house¨ doesn`t exist for some people. But, I am incredibly blessed to have my very own bucket don`t you worry!

Ok. This week was fun because my companion and I got to know a couple new areas, getting to know new people that we had contacted and meeting the members of the ward because my companion is fairly new to the ward as well. I was thinking about how our life here on Earth is kind of like the ¨Choose your own adventure¨ books, we have a variety of options that we can choose that will lead us to different paths, some that are good, bad, better, and best. In Honduras there are so many people here without a clue to where they've come from, the paths that they choose are based on what they hope will make them happy, when the only way to true happiness is by living a life according to the path that God has already prepared for us.

The people we are teaching remind me daily how blessed I am to understand this plan and to be able to share it with every human I meet. Because we are all children of God, all equal to him and all precious in his sight. As said by a prophet from the Americas,

  ¨For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come untohim, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.¨¨ (2 Nephi 26:33)

Hermana Bernal


Hello family!!

I am now in DANLI HONDURAS, with my first companion Hermana Nuñez!!! That almost never happens so I am super excited to be here!! In Danli there is a city called Paradise, the weather is a lot cooler, and we are living in a little apartment right next to some really kind members! My area is a lot more city-like, and I am officially in my first ward!

Love you all, hope everything is alright back at home!
Hermana Bernal

Week 36: Leaving San Lorenzo

Hey well today we heard about Cambios and I will now be leaving my beloved San Lorenzo, off to a different part of Honduras, East of Tegucigalpa. Really sad to be leaving the people here, 6 weeks goes by so fast, but I´m excited to serve and love the people in Danli and my new district. Here are some photos of this cambio´s events! Here are some photos from an activity for Mother´s day that we planned for the branch!

Love you all, getting to talk to my family for mother´s day was so special!!